February Crossword

  1. 3. A weatherman in a fur coat who's always right (on February 2nd)
  2. 4. The season where your car takes longer to warm up than your coffee
  3. 9. A warm, sweet drink that's like a hug in a mug
  4. 10. The reason we have to shovel our driveways, shovel our sidewalks, and shovel our sidewalks again
  5. 12. A winged, diaper-clad matchmaker with a dangerous toy
  6. 13. A place to warm up your hands and your heart
  7. 14. A winter decoration that's like a statue, but made of snow, and with a carrot nose (and sticks for arms, if you're lucky)
  8. 15. A winter sport where you pretend to be graceful on a slippery surface
  9. 17. A written expression of affection that's even better than a text message
  10. 20. A type of winter home that's cool in more ways than one
  11. 21. A feeling that makes your heart feel like it's going to burst... in a good way
  12. 22. The go-to gift for when words alone just aren't enough
  13. 25. A prediction of future atmospheric conditions, made by someone who can't control the weather anyway
  14. 28. A time to spice up the routine and have some fun with your significant other
  15. 29. Winter's answer to fingerprints, each one is unique
  16. 31. Soft, warm socks that make you feel like you're walking on clouds
  17. 32. A winter sport that involves gliding down a mountain like a boss (or just trying not to fall)
  18. 33. A winter activity that involves flying down a hill on a plastic sled, or a piece of cardboard if you're feeling adventurous
  19. 35. A way to say "I'm thinking of you" without actually having to say it
  20. 36. A frozen wasteland that's perfect for penguins and polar bears, but not for humans (unless you're well-insulated)
  21. 37. A boundary separating two air masses, where the weather is about to get colder and your mood is about to get worse
  1. 1. A day to show your significant other that you love them more than your phone (and you'll put it down)
  2. 2. A day to celebrate all the great leaders... or just take a long nap
  3. 5. Tiny, delicious bites of happiness, especially when you've had a rough day
  4. 6. A symbol of love that doubles as a handy target for Cupid's arrows
  5. 7. Relating to a place so cold, your phone will shut down
  6. 8. Mother Nature's way of telling you "I'm sorry for winter"
  7. 11. Outdoor activities that are so much fun, you'll forget how cold it is
  8. 14. A winter sport that involves looking cool while also trying not to fall
  9. 15. A large mass of floating ice that is dangerous to ships, but perfect for polar bears to sunbathe on
  10. 16. A giant, warm hug to keep you cozy on cold nights
  11. 18. Mother Nature's way of reminding you that she's still in charge
  12. 19. A moment that will either make you feel on top of the world or run for the hills
  13. 23. A fast-paced sport where you try to get a little black puck into a big net with sticks
  14. 24. A winter storm where the wind is so strong, it can blow your hat right off (or your socks if you're not careful)
  15. 26. Tht feeling you get when you're on a date and you realize you both ordered the same thing
  16. 27. A compacted piece of snow that's perfect for a friendly fight
  17. 30. Adorable flightless birds that waddle around on the ice, looking like they're wearing tuxedos
  18. 34. The reason you can't have a picnic in the winter