February Facts & Fun

  1. 2. if this animal sees its shadow, winter will last 6 more weeks
  2. 4. February is also known as __ __ Month
  3. 7. we celebrate this on February 14th
  4. 10. an NFL Championship game that takes place on the second Sunday in February
  5. 11. the birthstone of February
  6. 12. __ __ is always the day after Mardi Gras and represents the beginning of Lent
  7. 14. a __ is when February has 29 days
  1. 1. a popular Valentine's Day treat
  2. 3. the other zodiac sign of February (Feb19-Mar20)
  3. 5. also known as Fat Tuesday, is on February 21st in 2023
  4. 6. we celebrate this day on the third Monday of February
  5. 8. Cupid shoots these
  6. 9. the main zodiac sign of February (Jan 20-Feb 18)
  7. 13. the Valentine's Day flower