Federal and State Court System

  1. 2. Power that is shared by both a national government and state governments, such as collecting taxes, building roads, and making and enforcing laws.
  2. 3. A serious crime punishable by a term of imprisonment of one year or more.
  3. 5. The government’s side in a criminal case.
  4. 7. The decision of a judge or jury.
  5. 9. A court case in which a person is accused of breaking a criminal law.
  6. 11. The right of a convicted person to ask a higher court to review his/her case.
  7. 13. Power of a court to adjudicate cases and issue orders.
  8. 15. Being unfaithful or disloyal to one’s own country.
  9. 16. Laws passed by a legislature.
  10. 17. To refuse to admit or approve.
  11. 18. A person accused of a crime in a criminal court case or the person being served in a civil suit.
  12. 19. A formal revision or addition to the US Constitution.
  13. 20. A group of people selected to sit on a jury that decide whether the prosecutor's evidence provides probable cause to issue an indictment.
  1. 1. Ensures fair treatment through the judicial system.
  2. 4. A court case involving disputes between two parties related to money or property.
  3. 6. An authorization by a court for police to make an arrest.
  4. 8. The first step in a criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges against them and enter a plea.
  5. 10. The person or company filing the complaint in a civil lawsuit.
  6. 12. To change or modify for the better.
  7. 14. A small offense punishable under criminal law.