Federal and State Courts

  1. 2. The punishment ordered by a court for a defendant convicted of a crime.
  2. 5. A written statement submitted.
  3. 7. Statement written by the defendant.
  4. 10. To charge someone with a crime.
  5. 11. The defendant's statement pleading "guilty" or "not guilty".
  6. 15. A serious crime.
  7. 16. The process of calling a witness's testimony into doubt.
  8. 17. A legal action started by a plaintiff against a defendant
  9. 19. Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
  10. 21. An offense punishable by one year of imprisonment or less.
  1. 1. An individual or business against whom a lawsuit is filed.
  2. 3. A defendant will receive a fair and impartial trial.
  3. 4. A judgment of guilt against a criminal defendant.
  4. 6. Reading of a criminal charging document.
  5. 8. Given by police to criminal suspects in police custody.
  6. 9. The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a certain type of case.
  7. 12. Assert confirmation.
  8. 13. Bond money.
  9. 14. A person called upon by either side in a lawsuit to give testimony before the court or jury.
  10. 18. Reviewed by higher-ups.
  11. 20. Court authorization.