Federal Law Enforcement

  1. 1. largest national law enforcement branch, would lead investigations into serial crimes
  2. 4. This officer has statewide jurisdiction to enforce the wildlife laws of Texas
  3. 5. program the US Marshals are tasked with, in order to secure people who will testify at trial
  4. 7. The __ agency would be responsible for tracking and preventing drug smuggling into the US
  5. 8. type of criminal a US Marshal may be ordered to track down
  6. 9. one of the major crimes the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives is responsible for investigating
  7. 10. service agency that will protect Naval facilities as well as investigate crimes on naval property
  8. 11. country with which the US shares a large, populated border and has a great concentration of US Border and Customs agents
  9. 12. illegally produced currency, Secret Service investigates these crimes
  1. 1. this agency's Office of Criminal Investigations will look into any possible substandard or dangerous prescription drugs
  2. 2. This is the premier Texas state law enforcement and criminal investigation department
  3. 3. agency tasked with the safety of the President
  4. 6. Sub-department of the USDA that will investigate you if you kill a California Condor