
  1. 4. Clause that states that records and ruling from one state are to be accepted by all other states
  2. 8. Power that gives congress the power to make necessary laws
  3. 9. Powers that both national government and states posses and exercise
  4. 10. federal grants of federal money or other resources to states
  5. 12. Powers that don't get denied to states but does not grant to the national government
  6. 13. Clause that states that states cannot draw unreasonable distinctions between own residents and residents of other states
  1. 1. Power that is directly written in the constitution
  2. 2. Grant that gives money to states for a broad purpose
  3. 3. Grant that gives money to the states in private agencies for different purposes
  4. 5. system of government in which powers are divided between governments
  5. 6. Powers that are denied to National government
  6. 7. Grant that states that money can only be used for that defined purpose
  7. 11. Powers can be exercised by national government alone
  8. 14. clause that states the constitution is supreme law of the land