
  1. 1. regulate commerce
  2. 9. declare war
  3. 15. establish post office
  4. 19. provides provide marriage license
  5. 20. states can leave the Union if not happy
  6. 21. national government provides to pay lobe used state
  7. 24. on states to carry out certain policies
  8. 25. also called the elastic clause because it stretched the constitution
  1. 2. powers written into the constitution
  2. 3. system of spending,taxing and providing aid in the federalsystem
  3. 4. powers shared between the National and States
  4. 5. states can ignor laws they don't like
  5. 6. powers not written but are logical extensions of expressed powers
  6. 7. powers recognized as just naturally belonging
  7. 8. Johnson created this program to help eliminate poverty
  8. 10. Madison wrote these powers into the Bill of Rights
  9. 11. stated that musternment must be dipeople'so defend peoples freedom
  10. 12. - states must recognize other states laws
  11. 13. supreme court case,no taxing the federalgovernment
  12. 14. grants can be used for specific purposes
  13. 16. Roosevelt created national programs for help needed Americans
  14. 17. maintain statedriverias
  15. 18. the ability to barrow and coin money
  16. 22. provides dirver license
  17. 23. grants used for general purpose