
  1. 1. district, local govt restricted to a particular function
  2. 3. power vested in hereditary kings & queens
  3. 5. system, local & regional govt derive all authority from strong national govt
  4. 7. national govt derives power from states
  5. 9. grants, appropriates funds to states for specific purpose
  6. 10. requests, fed. funds given for special projects w/in state
  7. 11. clause, states extradite criminal to states they have been convicted
  8. 14. powers, powers derived form enumerated powers and N & P Clause
  9. 15. specifies basic policies & procedures of local govt
  10. 17. system, national & state govt share power & derive authority from people
  1. 2. powers, powers shared by national & state govt
  2. 4. right of participation in govt depends on wealth, status, & position
  3. 6. power resides in leaders, rule by force
  4. 8. federalism, relationship between national, state, & local govt (marble cake)
  5. 12. powers, power reserved to states, to legislate for public health & citizen welfare
  6. 13. compact, contracts between states that carry the force of law
  7. 16. grant, grant given to state by fed govt w/ general spending guidelines
  8. 18. federalism, separate & equally powerful levels of govt (layer cake)