- 1. district, local govt restricted to a particular function
- 3. power vested in hereditary kings & queens
- 5. system, local & regional govt derive all authority from strong national govt
- 7. national govt derives power from states
- 9. grants, appropriates funds to states for specific purpose
- 10. requests, fed. funds given for special projects w/in state
- 11. clause, states extradite criminal to states they have been convicted
- 14. powers, powers derived form enumerated powers and N & P Clause
- 15. specifies basic policies & procedures of local govt
- 17. system, national & state govt share power & derive authority from people
- 2. powers, powers shared by national & state govt
- 4. right of participation in govt depends on wealth, status, & position
- 6. power resides in leaders, rule by force
- 8. federalism, relationship between national, state, & local govt (marble cake)
- 12. powers, power reserved to states, to legislate for public health & citizen welfare
- 13. compact, contracts between states that carry the force of law
- 16. grant, grant given to state by fed govt w/ general spending guidelines
- 18. federalism, separate & equally powerful levels of govt (layer cake)