
  1. 4. denied power; can't retroactively apply a law
  2. 5. decision affirming Congress has the exclusive power to regulate interstate commerce
  3. 8. allows Congress to create implied powers (aka, necessary and proper clause)
  4. 9. national government powers suggested by its expressed power; additional powers created to carry out expressed ones
  5. 10. division of power between the federal and national government
  6. 11. process where states assist one another in apprehending fugitives
  7. 14. decision affirming Congress's use of Elastic Clause to create implied powers (a national bank)
  8. 15. Clause requiring states to recognize the legal proceedings and records of other states
  9. 16. national government powers found in the Constitution
  1. 1. Clause requiring that states treat residents of other states fairly (can't discriminate)
  2. 2. denied power; can't punish someone without the benefit of due process
  3. 3. asserts if a state law conflicts with a federal law, federal law prevails (also Constitution is the supreme law of the land)
  4. 6. powers held by both federal and states (shared)
  5. 7. describes federal system (all powers not granted to national are reserved to states)
  6. 12. powers of state governments
  7. 13. legal rights neither the federal or state governments can deny (one has the right to challenge unjust detainments)