- 5. System of government where the local and regional governments derive all authority from strong national government.
- 6. Law that makes an act punishable as a crime even if the action was legal at the time it was committed.
- 8. Portion of Article VI mandating that national law is supreme to all other laws passed by the states or any other subdivision of government.
- 9. proper clause The final paragraph of Article 1, section 8, of the Constitution, which gives Congress the authority to pass all laws necessary and proper” to carry out the enumerated powers specified in the Constitution; also called the elastic clause.
- 10. Contracts between states that carry the force of law; generally now used as a tool to address multistate policy concerns.
- 15. The intertwined relationship between the national, state and local governments that began with the New Deal. (Marble Cake Federalism).
- 16. The basic principle of of federalism stating “The powers not delegated to the United States by Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states , are reserved to the Stets, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
- 18. Authorized Congress to enact a national income tax.
- 20. Section of Article IV of the Constitution that ensures judicial decrees and contracts made in one state will be binding and enforceable in any other state.
- 21. Made senators directly elected by the people; removed their selection from state legislatures.
- 23. Powers reserved to the states by the Tenth Amendment that lie at the foundation of a state’s right to legislate for the public health and welfare of its citizens.
- 24. Powers derived from enumerated powers and the necessary and proper clause. These powers are not stated specifically but are considered to be reasonably implied through the exercise of delegated powers.
- 25. System of government where the national government and state governments share power, derive all authority from the people, and the powers of the government are specified in a constitution.
- 1. National laws that direct state or local governments to comply with federal rules or regulations (such as clean air or water standards) but contain little or no federal funding to defray the cost of meeting these requirements.
- 2. Authority possessed by both the state and national governments that may be exercised concurrently as long as that power is not exclusively within the scope of national power or in conflict with national law.
- 3. The belief that having separate and equally powerful levels of government is the best arrangement. (Layer Cake Federalism)
- 4. Specific powers granted to Congress under Article 1, section 8, of the Constitution; these powers include taxation, coinage of money, regulation of commerce, and the authority to provide for a national defense.
- 7. A concept derived from the Constitution’s supremacy clause that allows the national government to override or preempt state or local actions in certain areas.
- 11. Part of Article IV of the constitution that requires states to extradite, or return, criminals to states where they have been convicted or are to stand trial.
- 12. Type of government where the national government derives its powers from the states; a league of independent states.
- 13. The right of a state to be free from a lawsuit unless it gives permission to the suit. Under the Eleventh Amendment all states are considered sovereign.
- 14. Broad grant with few strings attached; given to states by the federal government for general categories of activity, such as secondary education or health services.
- 17. grants that allocated federal funds to states for a specific purpose.
- 19. A law declaring an act illegal without a judicial trial.
- 22. Federal-state relationship proposed by Reagan administration during the 1980s; hallmark is returning administrative powers to the state governments.