
  1. 2. feeling pleased and satisfied
  2. 5. feeling enthusiastic and happy about something
  3. 7. being unhappy about something that happened
  4. 10. unable to understand what is happening
  5. 12. a bit angry, irritated
  6. 14. feel upset because something good you hoped for has not happened
  7. 15. feeling worried or nervous
  1. 1. be angry with somebody
  2. 3. be really pleased with somebody
  3. 4. having feeling that somebody has done something wrong
  4. 6. feeling uncomfortable or ashamed
  5. 8. being extremely frightened
  6. 9. having a bad feeling because you did something wrong
  7. 11. feeling happy because something unpleasant has not happened
  8. 13. wanting something that somebody else has