  1. 1. interested in learning about people or things around you
  2. 6. feeling happy and comfortable because nothing is worrying you
  3. 9. feeling unhappy because something is not interesting
  4. 11. happy and positive
  5. 12. feeling suddenly very worried and frightened
  6. 13. not pleased with something
  7. 15. full of hope and confidence
  8. 17. embarrassed or nervous
  9. 19. someone who doesn't like talking to other people
  10. 21. unhappy because you aren't with other people
  11. 22. worried and anxious
  12. 23. having little confidence
  1. 2. being slightly worried and not relaxed
  2. 3. being slightly angry
  3. 4. worried and nervous
  4. 5. tired and wating to sleep
  5. 7. unhappy and without hope
  6. 8. showing how much you enjoy something by the way you behave and talk
  7. 10. easily annoyed by someone's mistakes or because you have to wait
  8. 14. feeling annoyed or less confident because you cannot achieve what you want
  9. 16. feeling very happy
  10. 18. showing that you think something is funny
  11. 20. being certain of your abilities
  12. 24. feeling unhappy or disappointed