
  1. 3. I feel ______ when I use Batman markers
  2. 5. I feel _______ when I'm really nervous and can't think about anything else
  3. 7. I feel _________ when I don't understand what's happening
  4. 10. I feel ___ when I can't have something I want
  5. 11. I feel _____ when I can't think of anything to do
  6. 13. I feel _______ when I don't know what's coming next
  1. 1. I feel ___ when I know the doors are locked
  2. 2. I feel _____ when I'm sleepy
  3. 4. I feel _____ when I have done a good job!
  4. 6. I feel ________ when I'm afraid of something
  5. 8. I feel ____ when everything is ok
  6. 9. I feel ____ when I'm laughing and joking around
  7. 12. I feel ______ when I am opening a Christmas present