
  1. 3. have particular sense, to indicate or represent a particular sense.
  2. 7. so extraordinary or wonderful
  3. 8. having value or significance
  4. 10. confidence in a reliance on good qualities, especially fairness, truth or ability.
  5. 12. fortunate, having success
  6. 14. not very happy
  7. 15. very pleasing and impressive to look
  8. 18. amazing or almost unbelievably great
  9. 19. have a big feeling for somebody
  1. 1. dislike somebody or something intensely
  2. 2. a time or feeling of enjoyment or amusement
  3. 4. a strong feeling of grievance and displeasure
  4. 5. excellent, extraordinarily good
  5. 6. your very happy you in ………….
  6. 9. freedom from war
  7. 11. treating people in a kind way
  8. 12. somebody who tells lies
  9. 13. delighted, happy and pleased
  10. 16. attractive in the way that some children and young animals are
  11. 17. delicious, very appealing to taste or smell