
  1. 6. unwillingness to accept the truth
  2. 7. A person's unique blend of physical,mental and social traits
  3. 10. Using kudos to boost self esteem
  4. 11. Blaming others for failures or mistakes
  5. 13. unreasonable relentlessly critical
  6. 15. Expecting positive experiences from life
  1. 1. Have an irresistible urge to repeat a behavior
  2. 2. A chemical disorder causing feelings of sadness
  3. 3. Making feelings and desires clear to others
  4. 4. Self-confidence and self-respect
  5. 5. When you use self-control to act on responsible values
  6. 8. Pushing feelings
  7. 9. A feeling of worry or uneasiness
  8. 12. Always thinking the worst will happen
  9. 14. Beliefs a person had about what is right,wrong and impact