  1. 2. When you did something embarassing in public and your face turns red.
  2. 4. When you're not in a good mood.
  3. 5. When you're afraid.
  4. 8. When your hands are shaking and your heart accelerates.
  5. 11. When you're very tired.
  6. 12. When you like someone.
  7. 14. When you're full of hope.
  8. 15. When something is very tedious.
  1. 1. When you're very impolite.
  2. 3. When you're feeling very sad.
  3. 6. When someone desires what you have.
  4. 7. When you don't have friends.
  5. 9. When you don't like to share what you have with your friends.
  6. 10. When a man is good looking.
  7. 13. When you're very angry.