
  1. 3. feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own, or about someone or something you are involved with or related to
  2. 5. feeling surprised and upset by something very unexpected and unpleasant
  3. 7. feeling worried, uncomfortable, and unable to relax
  4. 10. feeling nervous and uncomfortable and worrying about what people think of you, for example because you have to talk or sing in public, or because you have made a silly mistake
  5. 11. talking too proudly about yourself
  6. 12. having a feeling of surprise
  7. 15. unhappy because you keep thinking about a problem, or about something bad that might happen
  1. 1. very angry
  2. 2. slightly angry
  3. 4. worried about something
  4. 6. very unhappy
  5. 8. very pleased and happy
  6. 9. easily embarrassed in social situations [= shy]
  7. 13. confused and unable to understand something
  8. 14. frightened of something, or nervous about something