
  1. 2. feeling very happy and enthusiastic
  2. 5. extremely angry
  3. 8. happy and positive
  4. 10. worried and anxious:
  5. 13. peaceful, quiet, and without worry
  6. 14. unhappy or sorry
  7. 15. feeling unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do
  8. 16. unhappy and without hope
  9. 17. angry
  1. 1. having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you want to shout at them or hurt them
  2. 3. very pleased
  3. 4. extremely happy about something
  4. 6. frightened or worried
  5. 7. worried and nervous
  6. 9. feeling happy and comfortable because nothing is worrying you
  7. 11. worried, unhappy, or angry
  8. 12. unhappy because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant things that might happen