Fertile Crescent and Sumer

  1. 6. the science of building buildings
  2. 8. a way of controlling or supplying water
  3. 10. those tasked with writing everything down on clay tablets
  4. 12. man-made waterways
  5. 13. the land between the rivers
  6. 14. the fancy word for farming
  7. 15. the political, religious, cultural, and economic centers of civilization
  8. 17. the act of creating something for the first time, such as math, medicine, and science
  9. 18. a way of making wealth by exchanging goods
  1. 1. the two rivers in the Fertile Crescent were the Tigris and (blank)
  2. 2. the belief in many different gods and goddesses
  3. 3. religious leaders, sometimes more powerful than the king
  4. 4. a large temple in the middle of every major city-state. Believed to be the home of the gods
  5. 5. civilization in southern Mesopotamia
  6. 7. long poems that tell the stories of heroes
  7. 9. the first major writing system invented
  8. 11. an organized society within a specific area
  9. 12. people in society were divided into one of these
  10. 16. a large area of rich farmland in the shape of a crescent