Fetal Development

  1. 3. Baby from the third month to birth.
  2. 4. When the sperm penetrates the Ovum.
  3. 6. Place in a woman's body where the baby grows.
  4. 7. The end of the first month the baby is called this
  5. 9. Begins the final final stage of the first trimester
  6. 11. Keeps baby nice and warm and protected.
  7. 12. Pregnancy is measured in these 3 month time periods.
  8. 13. Male reproductive cell
  9. 14. The mass attached to the uterus that provides nutrients.
  1. 1. The desire to get things ready for the baby
  2. 2. After the cluster of cells has went from 64 to 128
  3. 5. Female reproductive cell
  4. 6. A tube of veins that's a lifeline to baby.
  5. 8. The name of the cell, first week of cell division.
  6. 10. A balloon like structure around the baby