Feudal Structure

  1. 3. Kings were chosen by ____
  2. 4. Knights were supposed to serve for ____ years
  3. 6. Peasants did not have good ____, this was unheard of for them and they were filthy
  4. 7. A peasants that was tied to the estate of his lord
  5. 9. Bottom section of the Feudal pyramid
  6. 11. Kings gave their _____ to the nobles
  7. 12. Top section of the Feudal pyramid
  8. 13. What houses did the peasants live in?
  9. 14. The jobs of the peasants
  10. 16. The tax peasants had to pay to the church
  11. 18. Nobles were responsible for building strong ____
  12. 19. Nobles often went to ___ with each other over territory or personal disputes.
  13. 20. Upper level nobles
  14. 21. Follow the code of honor
  15. 22. Those who received the Kings fiefs
  1. 1. Second section of the Feudal pyramid
  2. 2. Third section of the Feudal pyramid
  3. 4. The land awarded to vassals
  4. 5. Boys as young as ___ years old were dispatched to work as personal attendants, for wealthy relatives/lords
  5. 8. A complicated system of social obligations
  6. 10. knights that guard Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem
  7. 15. Peasants water came from local ____
  8. 17. last names