
  1. 4. Barbarian invasions created a need for localized
  2. 5. political and social system of the middle ages based upon relationships of mutual obligations.
  3. 9. planting season, one field would remain so the soil could replenish its nutrients
  4. 10. Invasions from __ caused the fall of Western Rome
  5. 13. Ages The period of time that began after the fall of Rome, and ended before the Renaissance
  6. 15. feudalism is a system based on _____
  7. 17. provided military service and protection for the manor
  8. 19. agricultural system by which the lord of the manor relied upon the labor of peasants/serfs who worked his estate or fief.
  9. 20. by running water; used to grind wheat into flour
  1. 1. the Individual who grants the land
  2. 2. portion of land that a lord kept for himself
  3. 3. the commendation ceremony ended with an oath of ____
  4. 6. individual who receives the land
  5. 7. commendation ceremony began with an act of____
  6. 8. who raided or invaded the coasts of Europe in the 8th to 10th centuries
  7. 11. goods are produced within the manor, and there is nọ reliance on trade.
  8. 12. a grant of land
  9. 14. feudalism, the government was ____
  10. 16. this time, there was a rise in kingdoms that were not united (although this guy made an exception...)
  11. 18. was little to no ___ at this time because it was considered unsafe to leave the manor