  1. 2. has two kids
  2. 4. lives in a different state
  3. 7. favorite youngest granddaughter
  4. 9. goes by nickname
  5. 10. has a son and daughter
  6. 11. named after great grandma
  7. 15. has one kid
  8. 16. oldest grandchild
  9. 17. loves freezes pops and mac n cheese
  10. 18. he started it all
  11. 19. looks just like his dad
  1. 1. oldest of three kids
  2. 3. cleans houses for a living
  3. 5. middle name is the same as five down
  4. 6. has three sons and two daughters
  5. 8. she started it all
  6. 12. is bald
  7. 13. Original favorite youngest granddaughter
  8. 14. has memphis
  9. 15. has three kids
  10. 17. first great grandchild