
  1. 1. teams that play Thanksgiving Dallas and___
  2. 3. Group of turkeys
  3. 5. Company with a Turkey Talk-Line
  4. 6. most appearances in Macy’s Parade
  5. 10. First game of College Football between Princeton and
  6. 11. English Port Mayflower disembarked from
  7. 12. utensil at first thanksgiving
  8. 14. Made Thanksgiving a holiday
  9. 16. Turkey's throat
  10. 18. Armstrong & Aldrin ate on moon
  11. 20. Old Wives tale eating pumpkin cures __
  12. 21. Horn of Plenty
  13. 22. Captain John Smith founded what colony in Virginia?
  1. 2. Month Canada celebrates Thanksgiving?
  2. 4. This parade started in 1924?
  3. 7. largest producer of sweet potatoes; state
  4. 8. #1 pie
  5. 9. Spice in Eggnog, and Cider
  6. 13. Ship
  7. 15. Month USA celebrates
  8. 17. What is a male Turkey called
  9. 18. 1st turkey pardoner
  10. 19. What tribe was at the first Thanksgiving