FHA DE collateral

  1. 2. When the HUD Seal is missing we obtain a letter from them
  2. 3. Maximum Number of Comparables
  3. 5. Minimum Number of Comparables
  4. 6. ___ Accessory Unit
  5. 8. New Construction Suspense Item
  6. 9. Quality and Condition adjustments
  7. 11. 1025 Appraisal Form
  8. 14. ___ Endorsement
  9. 15. DE may do this for 30 days for an appraisal
  1. 1. This and the Certificate of Occupancy are needed on New construction
  2. 4. We need 2 comparables that closed within 90 days and 2 active listings
  3. 7. 20 percent Increase and recent transfer
  4. 8. The Sales Price and Square Footage should have this
  5. 10. Type of Inspection may be needed on Vacant Property
  6. 12. ___ Property Standards
  7. 13. Type of Approach used to determine value