
  1. 3. When did Euclid live?
  2. 5. What is the rules of proofs?
  3. 8. What is another name for Euclid?
  4. 9. A line or geodesic is considered what in Euclidean Geometry?
  5. 10. What has the definition that which has no part?
  6. 11. In hyperbolic geometry,the angle sum of a trangle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 180 degrees
  1. 1. How is a plane defined in Spherical Geometry?
  2. 2. What is the common name for proposition 47 for Euclid's elements?
  3. 4. What are axioms that were common to all of the sciences?
  4. 6. What are the axioms that were specific to geometry?
  5. 7. Euclid proves how many propositions in Book 1?