- 1. Diary of a wimpy _____ is found in the Fiction section
- 5. Books that teach about the world, countries and special landmarks
- 8. Little kids may be scared of this thing, although it is fictional
- 10. A mythical creature that breathes fire
- 11. Books in this section are real and factual
- 14. _______ books are found opposite our reference section
- 16. ____________ books are found under our sport books in the non-fiction section of our library
- 2. Humpty ___________ sat on a wall
- 3. Little Bow ___________ has lost her sheep
- 4. This is another section of the library other than fiction and non-fiction
- 6. Books that tell us of the past, found in the non-fiction section
- 7. A cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises.
- 9. A horse-like animal that has a horn on its head
- 12. Books in this section are made up and not real
- 13. A book that includes chapters
- 15. An amphibian who begins its life as an egg and then turns into a tadpole