Fiery Furnace

  1. 2. People who did not bow down were thrown into the _______
  2. 5. The king built the statue for the people to?
  3. 6. The statue was made of?
  4. 9. He is one of the 3 men who did not bow down
  5. 10. The king was ______ when he heard some men did not bow down.
  6. 11. This was a common practise in Babylon
  7. 12. What is the relationship of the three men?
  1. 1. The name of the king
  2. 2. How many persons did the king see in fire?
  3. 3. The king acknowledged that the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego was P__________.
  4. 4. The 4th person in the fire was the ___ ___ ____
  5. 7. Everyone had to bow down when they heard the _______
  6. 8. Where did the men live?
  7. 13. How much hotter did the king ordered to make the fire?