Fifth Hour

  1. 3. Describes herself as "crazy but really nice and kind"
  2. 6. He likes sports and mini-donuts and wants to get better at baseball
  3. 7. This person is in 8th grade and her name starts with a D
  4. 9. He is really good at hockey and you will love his jokes!
  5. 11. This person does circus, loves art, and had an older brother in AVID.
  6. 13. This person once had 11 cats and wants to be a veterinarian someday.
  7. 14. This person values justice and wants to become a pro soccer player.
  8. 15. In 10 years, she will have multiple tattoos, her own comic, and a degree from art school.
  9. 16. This person could help you learn about AVID, is a leader, and values loyalty!
  10. 20. This person likes to draw and create and has a 3-second memory.
  11. 22. This person is in 8th grade
  12. 23. She likes kpop, kdrama, drawing, and coming up with random words!
  13. 24. This person's favorite things are her bunnies and wants to have bunnies still in 10 years.
  14. 25. This person hoops, plays too much, and values realness.
  1. 1. This person likes dogs, SZA, basketball, and volleyball.
  2. 2. This person likes drawing, sleeping, and going outside; her favorite part of school is going home
  3. 4. She loves soccer and going outside and values happiness.
  4. 5. This person would like to go to MIT & study programming someday and could teach you about coding.
  5. 8. This person is persistent, values creativity, and is calm/smart.
  6. 10. This person's name starts with an R
  7. 12. This person is 13; she likes math, cake, and dogs.
  8. 17. This person is really good at skiing and loved French class last year.
  9. 18. This person's name starts with an A
  10. 19. He has long hair, values happiness, and would like to visit the moon and other planets.
  11. 21. This person's name starts with an A
  12. 23. This person is really goofy, terrible at fishing, and dislikes school because he could be learning to fish instead.
  13. 24. This person wants to be a lawyer for kids and is really good at sewing.