Fighting Disease Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Poison
  2. 5. Molecules that the immune system recognizes either as part of the body or as from outside the body
  3. 6. One cellular microorganism
  4. 9. A disorder in which the respiratory passages narrow significantly.
  5. 10. Disease Diseases caused by pathogens
  6. 11. A disorder in the immune system that is overly sensitive to foreign substances.
  1. 1. Tiny particles that can only be produced inside a
  2. 3. Organisms that cause disease
  3. 4. The body cells fail to properly use insulin or produce insulin.
  4. 7. A white blood cell that engulfs pathogens
  5. 8. A disease in which cells multiply uncontrollably over and over destroying healthy tissue in the process.