Figurative Language

  1. 1. A contradiction that is somehow true.
  2. 3. The repetition of vowel sounds in the middle of two or more words in proximity to one another.
  3. 7. Reference to a person, idea, or activity by substituting something located in close physical proximity to it.
  4. 9. An analogy in which one thing is compared to a second thing.
  5. 10. The attribution of human qualities to an object, animal, or concept.
  6. 11. The use of words that sound like the noise they describe, such as buzz, crash, hiss, growl, thump, or swish.
  7. 12. A type of metaphor in which the comparison is made explicit through the use of words such as like, as, similar to, or resembles.
  1. 2. The act of addressing someone or something that is absent or dead as if it were alive, present, and capable of responding.
  2. 4. The repetition of consonant or vowel sounds at the beginning of two words in close proximity.
  3. 5. The repetition of consonant sounds in the middle of two or more words in proximity to one another.
  4. 6. Use of a concrete object to represent an abstract quality or idea.
  5. 8. Strategic exaggeration or overstatement.