Figure Skating Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. The international governing body of figure skating
  2. 6. The place where people go to indulge in ice sports.
  3. 7. A one-foot spin where the skaters back is arched backwards or bent to the side.
  4. 8. A figure skating jump with four rotations/spins.
  5. 10. A collection of choreography, technical elements, expression, and music performed by a figure skater and graded in official competitions.
  6. 12. A jump where the skater digs their toe-pick into the ice.
  7. 13. The oldest and most difficult jump in figure skating.
  8. 18. A point reduction during a figure skating competition.
  9. 19. When a skater takes off from the wrong edge on a lutz or flip jump.
  10. 20. An element where figure skaters rotate quickly in one spot.
  1. 1. An ice skating sport involving choreography, jumps, and spins.
  2. 2. The former system used to score figure skaters during competitions.
  3. 3. The second portion of a figure skating competition.
  4. 5. The shorter and first portion of a figure skating competition.
  5. 9. An element where the skater raises their free leg above hip level while gliding forwards or backwards on only one foot.
  6. 11. An official who oversees the smooth progression of figure skating competitions.
  7. 14. Elements such as spins, step sequences, lifts, twist, and twizzles.
  8. 15. High level competitions where top-skaters of the world compete.
  9. 16. A spin where the figure skater squats down so their skating leg is bent and their free leg is parallel to the ice.
  10. 17. apart of figure skating choreography, not allowed to spot during these.