- 2. the place where an artist performs
- 5. a very funny movie is __ (adj)
- 7. an innovative film
- 9. the outline of a film, full script
- 10. a mixture of love and laugh in a movie
- 12. the name for the amount of people who have come to the cinema
- 14. adj. for a movie where you know everything which will happen
- 15. the online place where they organise songs based on popularity
- 16. the protagonist of a film or book
- 17. a very popular film
- 18. the place where you buy the tickets to watch a film
- 1. when all the seats from the cinema are sold
- 2. the composition of songs from a film
- 3. a movie which is made with a low budget
- 4. a small concert, usually for amateur bands
- 6. the story continuing a story, book or play
- 8. a cartoons movie is an
- 11. adj. a movie which catches your interest
- 12. a song in an album
- 13. adj. a movie which is not slow paced
- 14. what an artist does on stage; singing, dancing...