Film Puzzle Samy

  1. 3. - a written work that serves as a blueprint for a movie, including descriptions of characters, dialogue, and actions.
  2. 4. - a person who performs in a movie or play, typically as a fictional character.
  3. 5. - a type of genre in movies that focuses on realistic characters and situations and is often intended to evoke strong emotional responses from the audience
  4. 6. - a medium that involves the recording and showing of moving images.
  5. 7. - a type of genre in movies that focuses on love stories and relationships.
  6. 8. - a type of genre in movies that focuses on physical action and adventure.
  1. 1. - the events that make up the story of a movie or book.
  2. 2. - a person or creature in a movie or story, typically with a specific personality and role.
  3. 3. - the place or time in which a movie or story takes place.
  4. 5. - the person who is responsible for the overall creative vision of a movie and for bringing the screenplay to life on the screen.