  1. 3. Like Disney (who are set to charge $29.99 for Mulan!), Universal have been pushing ahead with PVOD (--- VOD is higher priced than normal) at $19.99, retaining a much higher % of revenue than they would from box office.
  2. 4. Working Title is majority-owned by NBCUniversal, making it a --- of the big 5 conglomerate, and an example of vertical integration!
  3. 5. Its always a clear sign of status and prestige when a film manages to get screened in ---, which still has a strict quota system for non-domestic productions.
  4. 9. Working Title started out just like Warp - making provocative, critically acclaimed social realist films like My Beautiful Laundrette, but High Note is far from their niche/--- roots!
  5. 10. NBCUniversal incorporates multiple production and distribution subsidiaries, and even theme parks, an example of --- integration.
  6. 12. This is very clearly a female-targeted production, though the potential 'male gaze' element of the young female lead plus the casting of Ice Cube may boost the --- audience appeal to males.
  7. 16. Anita --- argues in her book "Blockbusters" that major entertainment companies should produce relatively few releases to maximise their distribution/marketing effort on these blockbusters (or tentpoles)
  8. 18. The prominent quote "perfect entertainment" is as notable for its source as for what it denotes about the film: the fashion magazine ---, another strong signifier that this is a female-targeting film.
  9. 19. The lack of very strong male appeal means this movie cannot be considered a --- quadrant production designed to target male, female, younger and older.
  10. 20. Working Title generally attain low age ratings (from the --- in the UK, MPAA in USA) to help maximise their potential for high box office returns, with the youth market the largest demographic for the cinema industry
  11. 22. The BFI classify Working Title as an ---, like Warp, even though its ownership means it benefits from budgets beyond the reach of true --- companies.
  12. 24. Dakota Johnson (unlike Ice Cube) can't be considered an --- star (yet)!
  13. 25. The prominent use of the quote from Vogue ("perfect entertainment!") reflects the feelgood narrative; unlike most Warp films, this offers --- (applying the uses and gratifications theory here helps to explain the appeal)
  14. 26. Campbell’s monomyth, or hero’s ---, is a theory that ALL narratives in ALL eras and cultures share the same basic focus: following the Proppian archetype of the hero on their --- or quest, overcoming the disruption (Todorov!) that upsets their initial equilibrium (the balanced way things were before the disruption). It is important to note that the hero is changed by this --- (Todorov’s 5-part narrative model ends on a NEW equilibrium).
  1. 1. Ever since Star Wars successfully cleaned up with sequels and merchandising, the --- model has been dominant in the film industry, with all of the big 5 now scrambling to develop films with sequel and spin-off potential. High Note is NOT a --- film though!
  2. 2. By tapping into a wave of music industry movies WT are reflecting the current ---, a German term that means spirit of the age/day.
  3. 6. By American standards the --- $million budget is medium, but by British standards it is high, with very few UK productions managing to clear over that amount in the UK in any given year (helping to explain why WT productions seek to maximise potential US and global appeal - they make commercial, not arthouse, films)
  4. 7. High Note is NBCUniversal's second major PVOD release, with --- World Tour proving a hit during the lockdown.
  5. 8. The focus on streaming, which is categorised as ‘home media’ but incorporates mobile/tablet/gadget access too, is an illustration of how digitisation has brought a high level of --- to the film industry, blurring the divide between the web and film industries (as well as making high level production and editing/FX software/hardware accessible to the prosumer and consumer, eg 4K video on smartphones)
  6. 11. The 'big 5' vertically integrated studios dominate GLOBAL film production and distribution: Disney, Warner Bros, Universal, Sony/Colombia, ---.
  7. 13. Universal's deal with --- World (co-producers of this film) marks the 1st time a a Chinese company has directly invested in a multi-year slate deal with a major U.S. studio.
  8. 14. NBCUniversal's link up with a Chinese production company (Perfect World) is a sign of how deeply --- has embedded itself as a working practice in the film industry and the practices of the big 5!
  9. 15. Just like their low budget WT2 hit, Billy Elliot, High Note has a --- ending, something thats seen as especially key for the American market.
  10. 17. Screenwriter Richard Curtis has been accused of racism for ignoring BAME characters in the past. The plotline of a young white woman seeking to replace a black producer could be read as an unfortunate expression of white ---.
  11. 21. Despite Working Title being a British production company, just like Green Zone, their $100m tentpole, this is essentially an --- movie!
  12. 23. The happy ending that we see, linked to the hero's journey (Campbell's monomyth) centring on a humble protagonist (just like Yesterday and Billy Elliot) reflects the ‘American ---‘ (the important capitalist ideology that the little/poor person can make it big with hard work; the system is fair), and is an indication of how much Working Title prioritise this market over their UK home market.