- 2. Saving money and not spending much
- 4. Taxes on sale
- 8. money from the government
- 10. something you have to pay for before using it
- 11. A card for shopping with no cash
- 14. put down for something
- 16. A card that identifies a person and billed on a charged account
- 17. a loan that is charged by interest
- 18. a bank account that gets interest
- 19. money that you have to pay often
- 1. money you keep in your bank account
- 3. Subtraacting money
- 5. Convey
- 6. money from all sources
- 7. Taking out money
- 9. mooney that you owe
- 12. a bank account that gets interest
- 13. the amount of money a company is earning
- 15. a dificit in a bank account
- 18. The amount of money you get paid hourly,weekly,monthly,and annually
- 19. money you get from your job
- 20. Extra money you have to pay the government