Final Assessment

  1. 2. National Health Insurance for those over 65
  2. 5. Inpatient provider
  3. 6. Measure Performance Measure - Joint Commission
  4. 7. Care Act Obamacare
  5. 9. Flow The movement of patients through the acute care setting
  6. 11. Acronym for privacy
  1. 1. Handoff Transferring a patient from one provider to another.
  2. 3. Commission Accrediting organization for most health institutions
  3. 4. Determinants of Health Conditions that impact health: Housing, Education, Health Access
  4. 5. disparities Differences in health & health outcomes among groups of people
  5. 8. Care Outpatient care
  6. 10. Epic or Cerner
  7. 12. Triangle Cost Access & Quality