Final Assignment

  1. 5. Large government-owned farms that each had hundreds of workers producing food for the state
  2. 6. A war tactic that started to be seen during World War 1
  3. 8. Government controlled all media
  4. 10. Gave British unlimited search and seizure
  5. 11. Extremely nationalistic (Fascism is for the good of a particular country alone.)
  6. 12. Famous people who appear trustworthy speak to the audience. A form of propaganda.
  7. 16. Devaluated in favor of European fashions and tastes
  8. 18. Returns from exile with the help of Germans to take back power in Russia
  9. 20. A large landed estate
  10. 21. Appeal that “everyone else is doing it, and so should you”. A form of propaganda.
  11. 22. A system in which the government makes all economic decisions
  12. 24. Began the Jewish genocide and was mostly responsible for World War 2
  13. 29. Gained enough support to take leadership in Russia because of Lenin's recommendation
  14. 30. Germany declares war on Russia
  15. 31. Document to reform Mexican government and quell internal revolutions
  16. 32. A surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service on the United States. This caused the U.S. to join WW2.
  17. 36. Tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Led to competitions between the 2 countries to have the best technology and innovations.
  18. 38. One of the most devastating outbreaks of disease in modern times. Also known as the "Spanish" flu
  19. 39. Jews declared the formation of an independent Israel. Followed by the first Arab-Israeli war.
  20. 40. Treaty that ended World War 1
  21. 41. Archduke Ferdinand is killed by Gavrilo Princip
  22. 42. A type of supership built by Britain
  23. 43. Caused by industry workers having little to no safety concerns after facing harsh working conditions
  1. 1. A government that has total control over every aspect of public and private life.
  2. 2. President in 1934 and worked on implementing the reforms in the Constitution of 1917
  3. 3. Developed the plan for Germany to concentrate on defeating France first
  4. 4. Germans sink the Lusitania
  5. 7. 20,000 people gathered peacefully in Amritsar. British fired upon unarmed crowd.
  6. 9. Gave workers in Russia more rights and created the Duma
  7. 13. Used to ensure national spirit
  8. 14. Promised to rebuild Italy and recreate the Roman empire
  9. 15. Ruled Mexico under the motto "Liberty, Order, and Progress"
  10. 17. Organized private armies and succeeded in overthrowing Huerta in 1914
  11. 19. Treaty of Versailles conference starts
  12. 23. Arrived in Paris as an unofficial representative of Vietnam. Not received by the Versailles delegation.
  13. 25. Minor uprisings happened and the government collapsed
  14. 26. Formed the Assembly of Russian Workers
  15. 27. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
  16. 28. beginning of the 1905 revolution
  17. 33. The idea of an international government that would have the power and authority to stop the nations of the world from going to war with each other. It failed.
  18. 34. Internationalist (Communists believe their system should spread throughout the world.)
  19. 35. Gandhi & 78 of his followers walked across India to the coast (240 miles) to make salt
  20. 37. Allowed Hitler to retake Sudetenland if he promised to stop there