Final Crossword Puzzle for Differential Diagnosis

  1. 3. An autoimmune condition with general MSK pain and tenderness
  2. 5. Insulin condition causing HA, hyperventilation, coma
  3. 8. Factors one can change to reduce the likelihood of disease
  4. 10. Disease process with an abnormal accumulation of adipose tissue
  5. 12. Immune cells that mature in the bone marrow
  6. 17. Risk factor associated with multiple types of cancer
  7. 19. UTI associated with dysuria, pyuria, urgency, and dyspareunia
  8. 20. Occlusion of subclavian vein and/or brachial plexus
  9. 22. An objective result of a PT evaluation
  10. 23. Von Hippel-Lindau is a risk factor for this condition
  11. 26. Hyperfunction of adrenal gland with a moon face
  12. 28. Reversible lymphedema with elevation, symptom of heaviness
  13. 29. Neurologic manifestations of kidney disease with pruritus & paresthesias
  14. 31. Associated with hypopituitarism
  15. 32. Pain with IR of hip associated with OA
  16. 33. A statement of pain or feelings from a patient during the evaluation
  17. 34. Characterized with arthritis, weakened immune system, and butterfly rash
  1. 1. Lack of secretion/action of vasopressin and H2O reabsorption
  2. 2. Rapid tearing pain with pulseless cold legs
  3. 4. Presents with pain, edema, brown urine, malaise, agitation, weakness
  4. 6. Pain caused by a direct insult to the nerve centrally, the dorsal root ganglion
  5. 7. Source of right upper quadrant and shoulder pain
  6. 9. Type of immunity after exposure and response to antigen
  7. 11. Cancer of the long bones, especially in children
  8. 13. Sharp, crushing, burning, searing, and/or shooting pain
  9. 14. Weakness identified as a red flag for several conditions
  10. 15. Chronic progressive inflammatory disorder of the spine
  11. 16. Pelvic pain, fever, GI distress, palpable tender mass
  12. 18. Type of hypersensitivity typically requiring immediate 911 response
  13. 21. Undiagnosed hyperthyroidism can lead to this serious condition
  14. 24. Personal or family history of cancer is a_____
  15. 25. Stage of HIV with thrush, dementia, night sweats, and fatigue
  16. 27. Arthritis with joint deformities, fatigue, stiffness, decreased ROM
  17. 30. Used to help select interventions and provide prognosis with cancer