Final Exam Crossword Creation

  1. 6. Legislative body with two branches.
  2. 8. Talking to avoid a vote on a bill.
  3. 11. Tax writing group, House of Reps.
  4. 14. Process of debating/amending/rewriting.
  5. 15. Someone currently holds an office.
  6. 16. Box bills are kept in.
  7. 17. Where a large majority vote is guaranteed.
  8. 18. Can debate/amend (not pass) bills.
  9. 21. Taking a vote to end a debate.
  10. 22. No member objects to proposal, passes.
  11. 24. # of members depends on state population.
  12. 25. Civil/legal rights, includes right to vote.
  13. 26. Every decade, counts population.
  14. 27. Timed debate, no amendments from Floor.
  1. 1. Sets rules for bill debates.
  2. 2. Roll call for minimum required members.
  3. 3. Members focus on specific issues.
  4. 4. Temporary (House + Senate debate).
  5. 5. Gave people the right to vote Senators in.
  6. 7. Win in a close election guaranteed here.
  7. 9. First step (bill through legislature).
  8. 10. Senator told when bill they don't like is on floor.
  9. 12. Only some Floor amendments allowed.
  10. 13. Used when committee has bill 30 days.
  11. 19. Group of citizens who elect an official.
  12. 20. 1/3 of this house's terms expire every two years.
  13. 23. Amendments allowed on Floor.