Zachary's Final Exam Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. This government involvement allowed Montana and Washington to be a part of America and it spilt Dakota into two different states
  2. 3. This government involvement was an event that was started by James K. Polk and it was an expansion that included Texas, California, and the entire Oregon territory
  3. 6. This man was known to be a very wealthy businessman that owned a successful fur company
  4. 10. This was a famous meeting that happened in the Pacific Northwest in 1855 between United States and sovereign tribal nations of the Cayuse, Nez Perce, Umatilla, Walla Walla, and Yakama tribes
  5. 11. This man is known to be the first governor of Washington
  6. 12. This man was most famous for his exploration of the North Pacific Coast of North America
  7. 15. This was a war between the United States and the Yakima people and happened mostly in Southern Washington
  8. 16. This famous trade center was built by the Hudson's Bay Company which was a fur trading business
  9. 18. This man is most famous for being the leader of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, he is also a politician, explorer, and solider
  10. 21. This campsite was the place where the Lewis and Clark Expedition stayed at during the winter of 1805-1806
  11. 22. This man was known as the founder of Seattle, Washington and has served two terms as the Mayor of Seattle
  12. 23. This woman was famous for being the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Rainier
  13. 24. This was a treaty between the United States and Britain that set the 49th parallel of latitude as a boundary between America and British North America
  14. 25. This man is known to be an American Army politician and officer who has served as a Washington governor
  15. 26. This famous railroad tunnel was built inside the Cascade Mountains and was completed on May 27, 1888
  1. 1. This is a very old company that traded fur and now they own many retail stores in the Unites States and in Canada
  2. 4. This place was located in the Pacific North west and was a trading post of Hudson's Bay Company's Columbia Department
  3. 5. This man is most famous for his expedition with MeriWeather Lewis as they explored the Louisiana Territory that ended at the Pacific Ocean
  4. 7. This was an international incident and political fight between the Spanish Empire, the Kingdom of Great Britain, and the United States of America
  5. 8. This famous woman is best known for helping Lewis and Clark with their expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory
  6. 9. This policy was an American policy that opposed European colonialism in the United States
  7. 13. This pilot is most famous for his claim to have explored the Strait of Juan de Fuca
  8. 14. This man was famous for his speech that talked about being responsible for taking good care of the environment and over people's land
  9. 17. This was a war that happened in 1859 between the United States and United Kingdom over the United States- British Border
  10. 19. This was a cultural belief in America that had to do with the idea that the settlers in America are destined to expand in North America
  11. 20. This famous Jesuit missionary was known for trying to Christianize Indian tribes that was west of the Mississippi River