Final Exam Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. Many popular sports figures, aviators, explorers and movie actors gained fans through mass media
  2. 5. To separate from a country.
  3. 6. A train route across the United States, finished in 1869.
  4. 9. The movement of some six million African Americans from rural areas of the Southern states of the United States to urban areas in the Northern states
  5. 11. A place where alcohol was sold and consumed during the era of Prohibition
  6. 13. 1914-1918: Europe is involved in a war between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The United States enters with the Allies in 1917.
  7. 18. The scientific theory that all life evolved from other forms; e.g., humans evolved from apes
  8. 19. An immigration processing station in the San Francisco Bay from 1910-1940 for immigrants from China, Japan, and other parts of Asia
  9. 20. An enslaved person who escaped enslavement, but is still in danger of being captured.
  10. 21. Between 1880 and 1920, more than 20 million immigrants arrived to the United States.
  11. 22. Customs, beliefs, or traditions that have existed a long time without change
  12. 23. A system for buying and selling securities, or stocks and bonds
  1. 1. A very tall modern building, usually in a city
  2. 2. A Supreme Court case that said all enslaved people were property; they had no rights as Americans
  3. 3. the illegal manufacture, transport, distribution, or sale of alcoholic beverages during the Prohibition period
  4. 7. Relating to the countryside, NOT a town or city.
  5. 8. The 16th president of the United States; he wanted to keep the Union (country) together.
  6. 10. The belief that the earth was created by God in 7 days.
  7. 12. An era when the manufacture, sale, and consumption of alcohol was illegal, or prohibited
  8. 14. Relating to a town or city
  9. 15. Relating to the present time, not the past.
  10. 16. People who thought and fought to abolish, or end, slavery in the United States
  11. 17. An immigration processing station in New York from 1892-1924 for immigrants from Europe