Final Exam Review

  1. 2. Founded the Academy
  2. 4. Student of Plato
  3. 6. Mr. Williams' Myers-Briggs type
  4. 8. Main character in The Stranger
  5. 9. Believed that humans needed a strong ruler
  6. 13. Stated Cogito Ergo Sum
  7. 15. Known as the "laughing philosopher."
  8. 17. Championed the idea of the dialectic
  9. 19. An example of a natural evil
  10. 20. The___ of the Cave
  11. 22. Translation for tabula rasa.
  12. 23. Developed the Socratic Method
  13. 24. Argued that God created the world, but stepped back afterwards
  14. 26. The Great Chain of ___.
  15. 27. The __ of evil was something that bothered Medieval philosophers
  16. 29. Argued that things never change
  17. 30. Socrates was sentenced to death for ___ of the youth.
  18. 32. A "founder" of utilitarianism
  19. 34. Believed that our ideas come from our senses
  20. 36. A philosophy that is associated with Idealism
  21. 37. The philosophers who were concerned with what things were made of
  22. 38. Associated with the Categorical Imperative
  23. 39. System of thought opposite to empiricism.
  1. 1. Argued that everything is always changing
  2. 3. "Paid" philosophers who would travel and teach people
  3. 5. Author of The Stranger
  4. 7. One of the four cardinal virtues, according to the Stoics
  5. 10. Felt that many of us live in "bad faith."
  6. 11. Thoughts all things were made of tiny building blocks
  7. 12. Responsible for spreading of Greek culture
  8. 14. Refers to anything Greek-oriented
  9. 16. Associated with the "Kingdom of God."
  10. 18. A systematic study of what is right and wrong
  11. 21. A balance of two behaviors
  12. 25. This philosophy says to expect the worst, and don't be surprised when it happens
  13. 28. One of the natural rights, according to Locke
  14. 31. Christianized the teachings of Plato
  15. 33. An empiricist who argued that we are tabula rasa
  16. 35. Your true meaning in life, who you are
  17. 37. Student of Socrates