Final Exam Review Puzzle

  1. 1. the branch of the government that interprets laws
  2. 3. something that affected many settlers of the Jamestown colony in the early 1600s
  3. 6. Woodrow Wilson's idea for an organization to prevent conflicts after World War I
  4. 8. the word for shallow water of the coast of North Carolina that limited immigration here during colonial times
  5. 9. journalists and photographers who worked to expose problems in society
  6. 10. prioritizing the needs of people who have been living in America for a long time (and dislike of immigrants)
  7. 11. the main issue over which the Civil War was fought
  8. 13. the region of North Carolina that's between the mountains and the coastal plain
  9. 14. the amendment to the US Constitution that gave men of all races the right to vote
  1. 2. the law that gave Congress permission to make treaties with Native American tribes and take their lands
  2. 4. an agreement to stop fighting a war
  3. 5. the name for someone who wanted a stronger federal government in the 1780s
  4. 7. the name for the time period directly after the Civil War
  5. 9. the belief that the United States should annex new territories in the mid-1800s
  6. 10. an organization that works to protect the rights of all races
  7. 12. a measure of economic success that greatly increased due to World War II