  1. 2. Which post World War II city was blockaded and finally had a dividing wall built through it
  2. 5. what was the policy of giving in to Hitler's demands as practiced during the Munich Conference call
  3. 7. Which disease of Asian origin led to the decline of feudalism in Europe during the Middle Ages
  4. 9. What is the relation between a country's imports and its exports called
  5. 11. In 1900, which of the following was a Chinese revolt against foreign imperialism or involvement in China
  6. 13. Which is associated with Hitler's "Final Solution" to the "Jewish problem"
  7. 14. Who was the "George Washington of South America" and leader of the independence movements in several countries there
  8. 15. Which refers to the non-fighting war between the U. S. and Soviet Union during the 1950's to 1970's
  9. 16. Which were the last two countries in Western Europe to unite in the 1870s
  10. 18. What is the name for the organizations that provide grants, loans, and advice for economic development in developing countries```````````
  11. 23. Which Soviet dictator, who succeeded Lenin, used purges, collectivization and a series of Five Year Plans
  12. 24. Which organization was set up in 1945 to promote world peace after World War II
  13. 25. The European scramble for colonies around the world largely caused which motive
  14. 27. What form of energy enabled great increases in transportation and communication on both land and sea in the 1800's
  15. 28. Which country was the primary cultural influence on Southeast Asia
  16. 29. Which would President Wilson have considered the most important of the Fourteen Points
  17. 32. What is the most common commercial use of satellites in space at the present time
  18. 33. A political theory that stressed if one country fell to communism, others would do the same
  19. 34. Which area of the 2nd Five Year Plan was the most successful
  20. 35. What is the most lasting influences of sub-Saharan African culture on the Americas
  21. 36. Which dynasty united China and built the Great Wall
  1. 1. What is the name of the conflict involving the British and Dutch Afrikaners in South Africa
  2. 3. The Russians used the scorched earth policy and the cold winter to defeat which emperor in the early 1800's
  3. 4. What is the only nation in history to have used an atomic weapon in actual war
  4. 6. What did Mao Zedong call his effort in the late 1960s to keep the revolutionary spirit alive in China and to wipe out the old upper classes
  5. 8. What Jewish state was created in the Middle East in 1948 as homeland for the Jews
  6. 10. Who began the reforms that lead to the democratization of the Soviet Union
  7. 12. Why does the U.S. have a major interest in the Middle East
  8. 15. In which event did the United States avoid war with the Soviet Union by using a blockade
  9. 17. The warming of the earth's atmosphere caused by emission of carbon dioxide and other gasses, is called "global warming", which term belongs to "global warming"
  10. 19. Who was the revolutionary leader of Russia in the 1900s
  11. 20. Which of the following conflicts were examples of the United States containment policy
  12. 21. A war developed in China between the British and Chinese over the sale of product
  13. 22. Who led the non-violent independence movement in India against British rule
  14. 23. Despite losing World War II, which country became an economic power in the Pacific Rim
  15. 25. What Middle Eastern country has been invaded twice by the U.S. since 1990
  16. 26. What was the separation of races practiced in South Africa called
  17. 30. The Catholic king of what country sent a fleet of ships to invade Protestant England in 1588
  18. 31. The Cold War and the "Space Race" were a result of tensions between what two countries
  19. 32. What was the new economic system that evolved during the Age of Exploration