final radiation

  1. 3. rate of emission of radiation depends upon ____of radiation.
  2. 9. the value of radiation shape factor for the same type of shape will be ___ when surface are large and held closer.
  3. 10. a perfect black body ____all incident radiation.
  4. 11. Gases have poor _____.
  5. 12. body transmits all the radiations falling on it.
  6. 15. whose absorptivity of a surfaces varies with the wavelengths of radiation
  1. 1. A____body is one whose absorptivity is qual to its emissivity.
  2. 2. the radiation emitted by a black body is ____of direction
  3. 4. is the ratio of total emissive power of a body to total emissive power of a black body .
  4. 5. body that partly absorbs and partly reflects but doesn’t any radiation to pass through is ____
  5. 6. surfaces are better absorbers than white ones
  6. 7. A perfect ____surface is the surface which diffusely reflects and emits the same amount of engery which in incident.
  7. 8. these are called energy packets
  8. 13. it refers to all of theradiant energy leaving a surface.
  9. 14. The reflectanceof a black body is ____