Final Review

  1. 2. Rev Shift to farming
  2. 3. Worshipping one God
  3. 5. Monotheistic religion; Abraham
  4. 7. Road Trade route from China to Eastern Europe
  5. 8. The teachings of Confucius
  6. 9. Monotheistic religion; Allah
  7. 12. First writing system
  8. 14. Temple (Mesopotamia)
  9. 17. A city and the surrounding farmland
  10. 18. Worshipping many Gods
  11. 20. A society with cities and social classes
  12. 22. A government in which people rule (Athens)
  13. 24. Egyptian writing system
  14. 25. System Division in Indian society; Hinduism
  1. 1. Humans control plants and animals
  2. 4. Code 282 laws based on social class
  3. 6. Largest religion in the world; caste system
  4. 10. Studies the past (artifacts)
  5. 11. Routes Paths followed by traders
  6. 13. Nomads
  7. 15. Era Hunting and gathering; Stone Age
  8. 16. Farming
  9. 19. Systems Used to record laws and Gods
  10. 20. Values Government participation
  11. 21. Payment for forgiveness of sins
  12. 23. Waterway; first developed in Rome