Final Review Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Define the Medical Abbreviation "lbs"
  2. 5. Medical abbreviation for before meals and at bedtime
  3. 7. When your patient does not have the ability to control their bowel or bladder
  4. 8. Number of milliliters in an ounce
  5. 9. The root word Gastro- relates to what body part?
  6. 12. Medical Abbreviation for immediately or as soon as possible
  7. 14. The word part for "itis" meaning
  8. 15. Blood Pressure Less than 100/60
  9. 16. Define the Medical Abbreviation for "Kilogram"
  10. 17. Maximum Heart Rate in Healthy Vital Sign Range
  11. 18. Yellow tint to the skin or eyes
  1. 1. Name the unit of measurement that is equivalent to 1 milliliter
  2. 2. Medical Term for Swelling
  3. 4. Medical Diagnosis for CHF
  4. 6. Minimum Pulse in Healthy Vital Sign Range
  5. 10. Correct unit of measurement to document output
  6. 11. What is the number one most important way to stop the spread of infection?
  7. 13. Heart rate greater than 100