Final Review Environmental Science

  1. 4. The layer of the atmosphere where weather occurs
  2. 6. A gas that traps heat in the atmosphere and helps keep our planet warm. Can be harmful in large quantities
  3. 9. 2% of the freshwater that is available for human use is unusable because it is _____.
  4. 12. The process of water soluble salts accumulating in the soil
  5. 14. Water that you can drink
  6. 15. The process of water going down through the soil and reaching the groundwater
  7. 18. liquid that can be contaminated that can leak from a landfill
  8. 19. When fertilizer causes large algae blooms and this eventually causes the death of plants/animals in the aquatic environment
  1. 1. Farming on a large scale. This usually comes with lots of machinery and pesticide use
  2. 2. Type of farming where someone farms on a small scale usually for just their family
  3. 3. A greenhouse gas that is not carbon dioxide. It is commonly produced in landfills
  4. 5. When farming switched to be large scale and people in developed countries no longer had small family farms
  5. 7. A fund set up by the government to be able to clean up toxic waste spills
  6. 8. the upper boundary of the aquifer
  7. 10. The smallest particle of soil
  8. 11. A process of burning trash that can lead to air pollution
  9. 13. A single source of pollution
  10. 16. Weather patterns in an area over a long period of time
  11. 17. A man made block in a river, lake or stream. Water is let out to produce electricity