Final study guide

  1. 3. made with complimentary colors
  2. 5. type of symmetry that mirrors an image
  3. 6. to add black to a color
  4. 7. type of symmetry that mirror an image multiple times
  5. 8. going dark to light or light to dark when shading
  6. 10. overlapping colors to create a new color or for value
  7. 11. colors that cannot be made
  8. 12. to add white to a color
  9. 15. the use of depth in an artwork
  10. 16. colors opposite on the color wheel
  1. 1. two Primary colors mixed together
  2. 2. a line that separates the sky from the ground
  3. 4. used to make watercolor lighter
  4. 8. a point used to help when drawing perspective
  5. 9. movement based on dreams
  6. 10. equal visual display of colors,lines, and shapes
  7. 13. the use of shapes, lines, or colors in a repetitive manner
  8. 14. movement based on capturing life